國產av 果凍傳媒 肛交 王伟 汉文主页 中国地质大学(武汉)教师个东谈主主页系统

发布日期:2024-11-02 12:32    点击次数:134

國產av 果凍傳媒 肛交 王伟 汉文主页 中国地质大学(武汉)教师个东谈主主页系统

國產av 果凍傳媒 肛交个东谈主简历



2013.10 -- 2016.09九囿大学 (原日本七所帝国大学之一),防災地盤工学,博士

2011.09 -- 2013.07中国地质大学(武汉),地质工程,直博

2007.09 -- 2011.07中国地质大学(武汉),土木匠程(工程地质),学士


2015.04 -- 2015.8 九囿大学,地盤防災筹商室,教学助理(Teaching Assistant)

2016.12 -- 2018.9 西南交通大学,地球科学与环境工程学院,地质工程系,副教悔

2018.10 -- 2021.9  中国地质大学(武汉),环境学院,环境地质系,副教悔

2021.10 -- 于今 中国地质大学(武汉),环境学院,水资源与水文地质系,副教悔












[1].    Wang, W., Wei, W., Chai, B., Xia, H., Wang, Y., Du, J., & Liu, J. (2024). Modeling Near-Field Impulsive Waves Generated by Deformable Landslide Using the HBP Model Based on the SPH Method. Journal of Ocean University of China, 23(2), 328-344.

[2].    Fu, H., Chai, B., Jin, C., Kang, H., Zhang, Y., Tan, X., & Wang, W*. (2024). Response and prediction of ecosystem service values to land use change resulting from underground coal mining in high groundwater table areas: A case study of Jining City, China. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators, 23, 100441.

[3].    Wang, W., Wang, Y., Chai, B., Du, J., Xing, L., & Xia, Z. (2022). An Energy-Based Method to Determine Rock Brittleness by Considering Rock Damage. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 55(3), 1585-1597.

[4].    Wang, W., Zhao, W., Chai, B., Du, J., Tang, L., & Yi, X. (2022). Discontinuity interpretation and identification of potential rockfalls for high-steep slopes based on UAV nap-of-the-object photogrammetry. Computers & Geosciences, 166, 105191.

[5].    Xing, L., Wang, W. *, Xia, Z., Chai, B., & Wang, Y. (2022). Evaluation of the modification potential for carbonate geothermal rocks by considering multiple mechanics properties and acid dissolution in the Jizhong Depression, China. Lithosphere, 2021(Special 5), 6289799.

[6].    Wang, W., Yin, K., Chen, G., Chai, B., Han, Z., & Zhou, J. 2019. Practical application of the coupled DDA-SPH method in dynamic modeling for the formation of landslide dam. Landslides, 16(5), 1021-1032.

[7].    Wang, W., Zhang, H., Zheng, L., Zhang, Y., Wu, Y., Liu, S., 2017. A new approach for modeling landslide movement over 3D topography using 3D discontinuous deformation analysis. Computers and Geotechnics. 81, 87-97.

[8].    Wang, W., Chen, G., Zhang, Y., Zheng, L., Zhang, H., 2017. Dynamic simulation of landslide dam behavior considering kinematic characteristics using a coupled DDA-SPH method. Engineering Analysis with boundary elements 80, 172-183.

[9].    Wang, W., Chen, G., Zhang, H., Zhou, S., Liu, S., Wu, Y., Fan, F., 2016. Analysis of landslide-generated impulsive waves using a coupled DDA-SPH method. Engineering Analysis with boundary elements 64, 267-277.

[10]. Wang, W., Chen, G., Yin, K., Wang, Y., Zhou, S., Liu, Y., 2016. Modeling of landslide generated impulsive waves considering complex topography in reservoir area. Environmental Earth Sciences 75(5), 1-15.

[11]. Wang, W., Chen, G., Han, Z., Zhou, S., Zhang, H., Jing, P., 2016. 3D numerical simulation of debris-flow motion using SPH method incorporating non-Newtonian fluid behavior. Natural Hazards 81(3), 1981-1998.

[12]. Wang, W., Chen, G., Yin, K., Zhou, S., Jing, P., & Chen, L. (2016). Modeling of landslide generated waves in Three Gorges Reservoir, China using SPH method. Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication, 2(32), 1183-1188.

[13]. Zhou, S., Wang, W. *, Chen, G., Liu, B., Fang, L., 2016. A Combined Weight of Evidence and Logistic Regression Method for Susceptibility Mapping of Earthquake‐induced Landslides: A Case Study of the April 20, 2013 Lushan Earthquake, China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition) 90(2), 511-524.

[14]. Zhang, H., Liu, S., Wang, W.*, Zheng, L., Zhang, Y., Wu, Y., et al. 2017. A new DDA model for kinematic analyses of rockslides on complex 3-D terrain. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 1-17.

[15]. Han, Z., Su, B., Li, Y., Wang, W.*, Wang, W., Huang, J., & Chen, G. (2019). Numerical simulation of debris-flow behavior based on the SPH method incorporating the Herschel-Bulkley-Papanastasiou rheology model. Engineering Geology, 255, 26-36.

[16]. 王伟, 付豪, 邢林啸, 柴波, 刘波, & 施星宇. (2021). 基于彭胀有限元法的碳酸盐岩地热储层岩体马虎彭胀活动. 地球科学, 46(10), 3509-3519.


[17]. Shi, X., Chai, B., Du, J., Wang, W., & Liu, B. (2023). A new analytical method for stability analysis of rock blocks with basal erosion in sub-horizontal strata by considering the eccentricity effect. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 23(11), 3425-3443.


[18]. Wang, T., Yin, K., Li, Y., Guo, Z., & Wang, W. (2022). Interpretation of the reactivation of slow-moving landslides based on ring shear tests and monitoring. Natural Hazards, 114(3), 2991-3013.

[19]. Liang, X., Gui, L., Wang, W., Du, J., Ma, F., & Yin, K. (2021). Characterizing the development pattern of a colluvial landslide based on long-term monitoring in the three gorges reservoir. Remote Sensing, 13(2), 224.

[20]. Peng, X., Chen, G., Fu, H., Yu, P., Zhang, Y., Tang, Z., ... & Wang, W. (2021). Development of coupled DDA-SPH method for dynamic modelling of interaction problems between rock structure and soil. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 146, 104890.

[21]. Han, Z., Chen, G., Li, Y., Wang, W., Zhang, H., 2015. Exploring the velocity distribution of debris flows: An iteration algorithm based approach for complex cross-sections. Geomorphology 241, 72-82.

[22]. Han, Z., Chen, G., Li, Y., Tang, C., Xu, L., He, Y., Huang, X., Wang, W., 2015. Numerical simulation of debris-flow behavior incorporating a dynamic method for estimating the entrainment. Engineering Geology 190, 52-64.

[23]. Zhang, H., Liu, S, Chen, G, Zheng, L., Zhang, Y, Wu, Y, Jing, P, Wang, W., Han, Z., Zhong, G., Lou, S., 2016. Extension of three-dimensional discontinuous deformation analysis to frictional-cohesive materials. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 86, 65-79.

[24]. Zhang, H., Liu, S, Han, Z., Zheng, L., Zhang, Y, Wu, Y, Li, Y., and Wang, W., 2016. A new algorithm to identify contact types between arbitrarily shaped polyhedral blocks for three-dimensional discontinuous deformation analysis. Computers and Geotechnics 80, 1-15.

[25]. Liu, Y., Yin, K., Chen, L., Wang, W., Liu, Y., 2016. A community-based disaster risk reduction system in Wanzhou, China. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 19, 379-389.

[26]. Zhang, H., Liu, S., Chen, G., Zheng, L., Zhang, Y., Wu, Y., Jing, P., Wang, W., et al. 2016. Extension of three-dimensional discontinuous deformation analysis to frictional-cohesive materials. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 86, 65-79.

[27]. 栗倩倩, 王伟, 黄亮, 柴波, & 高乐. (2022). 台风暴雨型滑坡滞后效应分析 以浙江青田县 “利奇马” 台风为例. 中国地质灾害与防治学报, 33(6), 10-19.

[28]. 栗倩倩, 史绪山, 柴波, & 王伟. (2022). 台风-非台风降雨型滑坡的多时段临界雨量值预计模子. 地质科技通报, 41(2), 267-273.

[29]. 张玉洁, 许国庆, 汪洋, 杨特等, 彭铿, & 王伟. (2022). 治理条款对滑坡涌浪特征影响的室内考试筹商. 地质科技通报, 41(2), 309-314.

[30]. 柴波, 陶阳阳, 杜娟, 黄平, & 王伟. (2020). 西藏聂拉木县嘉龙湖冰湖溃决型泥石流危机性评价. 地球科学, 45(12), 4630-4639.


[1].   王伟,柴波,无疆,孟耀等. 蒙伢儿与妮妮的避险日志——揭秘万州滑坡与坍弛,中国地质大学出书社,2023


[1].   王伟,柴波,夏子恒,李秋云,赵文博,韦伟诚. 一种模拟产生恒定明渠流的安装及才略,国度发明专利,2021

[2].    王伟,赵誉兴,杜娟,吴名华,夏子恒.一种含水矿渣冻胀体积的测量安装,实用新式专利,2024

[3].    唐朝日,方熠,柴波,丝袜电影马昱扬,李远耀,王伟,祝洁雯,陆敏凤. 具备力链和横向变形测试能力的颗粒压缩考试安装和才略,国度发明专利,2021


[1].   国度当然科学基金形貌(后生基金),形貌批准号:41702304,探求怒放学特征和流固耦互助用的滑坡成坝机理筹商,2018/01-2020/12,主握

[2].    国度当然科学基金形貌(面上基金),形貌批准号:4217071697,库岸流动型滑坡物资流历程偏激近场涌浪特征,2022/1-2025-12,主握

[3].    山西省太行山西北缘京津冀水源素养区灵丘段历史留传澌灭矿山生态建造示范工程勘查联想,2023-2025,时刻珍惜东谈主

[4].    青海省生态环境监测中心托福形貌,青海省木里矿区生态环境抽象整治恶果评估,2021-2023,子课题珍惜东谈主

[5].    河南省地质矿产勘查开荒局第一地质勘查院托福形貌,地下水轮回流场作用下采空区围岩渗流-力学耦合数值模拟分析,2023,主握

[6].    中交和好意思生态成立有限公司托福形貌,露天采石场生态建造过错时刻筹商,2022-2024,主握

[7].    万州区地质环境监测站托福形貌,重庆市万州区地质灾害科普布道资源成立,2022,主握

[8].    万州区地质环境监测站托福形貌,软硬互层高陡危岩体监测预警过错时刻,2022-2023,主握

[9].    巴东县当然资源和野心局,三峡库区湖北省巴东县张家坡滑坡防治工程施工图联想,2022,主握

[10]. 贵州汇王人地矿集团,纳雍县晨曦镇八一社区富强组至聚会社区联上组地质灾害危机性评价,2021,主握

[11]. 万州区地质环境监测站托福形貌,万州区北滨路万一中滑坡成因机理及踏实性评价筹商,2019,主握

[12]. 万州区地质环境监测站托福形貌,万州区州里地质灾害风险评价与管理筹商,2019-2024,子课题珍惜东谈主

[13]. 贵州汇王人地矿集团,遵义市国土空间生态保护与建造野心(2021-2035),2021,主研

[14]. 中国地质拜谒局形貌,冀中坳陷碳酸盐岩岩膂力学性质、微不雅结构测试及储层结构模拟,2019,主研

[15]. 聊城市野心与当然资源局托福形貌,黄河北矿区阳谷-茌平煤田开荒生态地质环境影响拜谒评价,2019,主研


[1].   中国岩石力学与工程学会东谈主工智能时刻实用化专科委员会,委员,2024

[2].   《Computers and Geotechnics》审稿东谈主

[3].    《Applied Mathmatical Modelling》审稿东谈主

[4].    《Environmental Earth Sciences》审稿东谈主

[5].    《地质科技通报》审稿东谈主

[6].    《水电动力科学》审稿东谈主

[7].    《安全与环境工程》审稿东谈主

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